Friday, July 25, 2008

Special Ayurveda Treatment for Karkkidaka

The Malayalam month Karkkidaka is known for big monsoon rains. It is the season when most people stay indoors, no farming work, and physique becoming weak. The whole environment wears a gloomy look and it is time for mental stress, lethargy and several problems.
Karkkidaka is the Month of Diseases and Deaths
This is the season where physical immunity of people is at its lowest. The mortality rate of society during this period is higher during this period than any other period.
Arthritis Care during Karkkidaka
It is known fact that arthritis pain increases during this season. The cold climate is the reason for this. Arthritis patients must take care of their normal diet. Wholegrain wheat food is the first choice for arthritis patients during Karkkidaka. Avoid meat -chicken, beef, pork.
Best Time for Ayurvedic Treatments
Karkkidaka (Cancer - July-Aug) is also the best time to perform Ayurvedic treatments, as human body will be more receptive to Ayurvedic medicines than at any other time of the year. The body absorbs anything applied to it, quickly and efficiently during this period.
This specialty of the month Karkkidaka was noticed by ancient Ayurveda acharyas and they suggested preventive and curative treatments for this season.

Massage Treatments for Karkkidaka Month

Body massage with medicated oil is the most important treatment. Ayurvedic medicinal oils prepared from herbs are boiled with coconut oil and applied on body parts below the neck. The choice of medicinal oil and extend of massage are selected according to the physical condition of the person.
The oil is left on the body for an hour. The oil is then removed by applying floored pulses and then rubbing away with EENCHA while bathing.
Both the massage and the bath thereafter are equally important. The water used for bathing has the juice of leaves of different herbs, boiled together. The persons who undertake this treatment also observe food restrictions for maximum effectiveness of the treatment.
Karkkidaka Kanji
This is specialized food specially directed for taking during the Karkkidaka month. It is essentially rice porridge and certain herbs suggested according to the physical conditions of the persons taking it. This is a preventive treatment, as it helps persons prevent the onset of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, etc.
Suka Chikitsa
This is preventive treatment, given to healthy persons. Nasyam (nasal administration of medicines), Uzhichil (oil massage), vasti (enema), etc are the chief treatments.
General Guidelines to Better Immunity during Karkkidaka
The season makes you feel down. It is the season the earth and everything in it feels down. Observe the following things to stay healthy and to strengthen immunity.
Eat warm, easily digestible food items. Food items in liquid form preferred.
Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
Take an oil massage followed by a bath everyday.
It is also advisable you take Karkkidaka Kanji, Ayurvedic massage and Suka Chikitsa.
These are things you can do to ensure a healthy Karkkidaka and a better preparation for the onset of spring and coming festival season and its celebrations.

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